Oct 9, 2009

Still, more sorry's. . .

So, really, I am not the best at keeping up on this blog, and Ricardo refuses to be any sort of help, surprise. But, here we go. Interbike was sweet, bike companies are finally figuring out what needs to be done in this sport, and a lot of people are going the right direction, and a few people are going the wrong, but that doesn't matter. As far as the shop itself goes, we are pretty stocked up on all things despite the economic downturn this year. We got hit by the economy, but not as bad as everyone thought, we are still making moves, and pushing product. Keep your eyes out on a new Ian Schwartz Sunday build in the shop within the next week or so, should be dope. I will be posting pictures of that soon. WE also have a bunch of custom wheels in the shop, including a Gsport wheel set and a KHE freecoaster wheel. Stop by, and check things out fool.

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