Dec 19, 2007

5050, "That's It!" video review.

Yo guys, just watched the new 5050 video and overall i have to say it is pretty good. there are a lot of awesome parts in it, with a good mix of music, a lot of music that you wouldn't expect to hear in a video, but still really good flow. Aitken delivered an awesome part and definitely proves that he is an extremely versatile rider by killing more than a few rails. Other mvp's are Cameron wood, doing tons of big gaps, elf, doing lots of rails and a crazy gap to icepick, berringer being as creative as ever, rob wise coming with another solid part, and a new kid I haven’t seen much of named Dave Thompson doing a lot of wild gaps and tricks. The mix section that was includes has a lot of big names, and is also really good. Overall this video is a definite must have. It is as much as a props video at 21.99, but I would much rather watch this video.

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