not much to report today. the weather is looking great! and that means time to get back in riding shape, time to get them bunny hops back ya know? the shop is stocked and ready to go, so all you kids who had the bikes packed up for winter, and need to get it going again with newer parts, stop on by.
Apr 16, 2009
Apr 7, 2009
new video reposted
sorry i had to take off the old wintermixtape, but now it is up again in the video section, or right under this post! or both? anyways, check it out.
the blc winter mixtape from derek on Vimeo.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Apr 5, 2009
Custom complete! 20lbs 12 oz!!!!
yo guys, jsut built up a custom complete using ALL premium parts. The thing is dope needless to say, and it weighs in at 20lbs 12oz. Its funny because a bike this light use to cost you around 1300-1500 dollars to get all the right parts that work, but thanks to premium, you dont need to do that. The bike costs 899.99. The frame is a lopes lt and wiehgs 3 lbs 8 oz, and the parts are all premium stuff, it all works great together. stop by and check it out, you wont regret it!!!
Posted by
The Stand BMX