hey guys, just doing a little update. the shop is doing good, we have a lot of stock, and we just got in the new odyssey pivitols in stock, they are looking sweet, and they come in completely plastic, like ian schwartz, or padded like the senior 2. stop by and check them out, they are really affordable. we also have a custom front wheel in with purple rain vandero 2 hub, and a primo balance 7005 rim. thats about it!
Jan 29, 2009
New Stuff
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 21, 2009
I don't normally do this. . .
repost videos, but this is really good, i like the song, and, i dunno, just watch it and don't be dumb.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 20, 2009
hey dudes, check out all the new photos on the photos page, a bnunch of dope local photos thanks to cesar, check them out!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 15, 2009
what were they thinking!
To: Honorable CPSC Administrators and Legislators
We, the undersigned, would like to address the recent CPSIA in relation to the likely unintentional negative impact that it will have on the sport of BMX bicycle racing (an Olympic Event), as well as to manufacturers and retailers of products and accessories geared to this genre.
While a “niche” sport, BMX racing is a worldwide sport involving hundreds of thousands of people at both the grassroots (amateur), professional, and elite (Olympic) level. We feel that the CPSIA, while well intentioned, is ambiguous and will unnecessarily harm the sport by forcing small to medium sized businesses to test their products or face banishment. These products are not toys and never have been intended as such. Quite simply, they are competition racing instruments that have been cast as “children’s toys” since they bear the unfortunate classification of having 20 or 24 inch wheels or smaller.
Two courses of action would potentially save the sport of BMX Racing as we know it:
- An amendment to exclude Competition BMX Racing Bicycles and components from the CPSIA.
- The drafting of a “Competition Waiver” to include BMX Racing bicycles, related products and accessories from the CPSIA.
Passage of the CPSIA as it is worded today would enforce unnecessary controls on Manufacturers, Retailers, and ultimately, the End Users of BMX racing bicycles and related components and accessories. The impact of this would be catastrophic, and wide reaching.
go here to sign- http://www.petitiononline.com:80/BMXCPSC/petition.html
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 13, 2009
no more blcbmx.com?
yes, it is true, blcbmx.com no longer exists due to financial difficultes on the owners part, but, i am gonna try to make this site a little more globaly oriantated, meaning more posts about stuff not involved with the shop, along with posts in the shop too. so stay tuned for some changes, and hopefully good things come from it. we will see!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 8, 2009
Mike Day
Hey guys, Mike Day, Olympic silver medalist in BMX, is going to be in the bike shop tomorrow around 2pm to 330 pm. This was the first time in history that BMX was included in the olympics, and it was a huge step for everyone in the BMX industry to see this allowed into the olympics. Some stop by and meet Mike Day and talk to him about how YOU can get to where he is at now.
Friday January, 9th at 2pm.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 4, 2009
DVD Rentals
We now rent dvds. its $1 a day, and we rent new videos too. stop by and pick one up, we got the megatour 8 video and the kink video in right now. dont be lame.
Posted by
The Stand BMX