The christmas rush is finally done! it was insanely busy at teh shop for the past few weeks, and it has now calmed dow2n, but that doesn't mean you can't come in and get some sweet colored parts or new tires for that complete bike mom and dad bought you. Use that holiday money to get your bike right where you want it. We still havea ton of sales on parts and frames, so get in and check it out fool!
Dec 27, 2009
Dec 24, 2009
Hey guys, we will be open till 7pm, so if you want to get in and get those last minute purchases in asap, we got your back. All frames are on sale now!!!! and for today only, so get your parents off their buts and send them in to get you some sweet stuff!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Dec 10, 2009
Snow, and then Some!
The giving father winter brought Reno about 2 feet of snow, and a lot of cold. The day of, Reno shut down, even the University, which is the first time in the history of me going there that has happened. But either way, the shop continues to run business as usual. Things are looking sharp, and if you wanna get out of the cold, stop by and we can pop in stay fit, or any other new DVD's we have in stock for you to watch. Or, you can rent them for $1 a day, which is better than Red Box.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Dec 7, 2009
Santa's Down, are You?
I'm a fan of snow for about a day, and then i realize I might possibly be done riding any where from 1 day, to 3 months. Last year it snowed 2 feet, and melted by the late afternoon, and we were out riding street. Reno, right? Anyways, the shop is getting in gear and set for Christmas. I know all you kiddys out there have a long list of BMX parts for mom and pop, so have them swing it by the shop so we can help take care of your perfect Christmas! as far as new stuff, nothing too crazy, but we will be getting in a couple of sweet frames and wheels in the next couple days, so stay sharp, be good, and git them Santa lists going!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Nov 22, 2009
Ahhhh, back.
So we just got back from a trip to San Jose and Santa Cruz. The Ryan Nyquist park down there was insane, def not a show up and warm up place, it was all big, i barely rode because i'm pretty out of practice on the jumping part of my riding game. But anyways, the shop is running strong, and our second order of fit completes are on their way, so if you missed out on a bike last time, make sure you come in and swoop one up! Everything else, business as usual. . .
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Nov 2, 2009
Halloween Jam Video and Photos
So for those of you who went, you know the jam was insane, go look at Ricardos flickr to see if there are pics of you up, or go to the photos link to the right, and check out the video from the jam below!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 29, 2009
got a ton of stuff for the jam! free stuff for spectators, great prizes for first in costume and best trick, and best trick will win the coveted golden banana. yes, golden banana.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 25, 2009
jun jun.
So some new stuff in the shop. dak frame, aitken pivotal, fly campillio frame, just look! All the prizes are coming in for the jam on the 31st too and its all looking like goooooooood stuff. also, i know you all saw the ian schwartz build pics, so i can't make sense of why none of you have come to buy it! start making sense.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 20, 2009
Well on Our Way!
So the contest is all sponsored out, and things are looking good at the shop. Better be shopping for those costumes boys and girls, this Jam/Costume contest is gonna be sick.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 18, 2009
Ian Schwartz Custom Complete
So, here is the bike i promised you guys, it's going for 719.99, and this bike is the shit! I rode it, and it is amazing. Come by and test ride it for srue. . .
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 13, 2009
While you're at it. . .
check out ricardos flickr too. but, if you are lazy, just go look in the photos section one click to your right.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Ahhh, rain.
Rain is tight and all, but how are we supposed to shred? i'm not tryin to get moto grip. In the shop however, things are still moving very smooth. Just got in all the stuff for the ian schwartz build just got to get it going. A bunch of other stuff is in, but I will update you guys on that when I'm actually in the shop. Also, go peep the photo section, I will be posting up a ton of ricardos pics here in a minute becuase I am bored as hell. Keep checking back on the site, we always got stuff poppin off.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 9, 2009
Still, more sorry's. . .
So, really, I am not the best at keeping up on this blog, and Ricardo refuses to be any sort of help, surprise. But, here we go. Interbike was sweet, bike companies are finally figuring out what needs to be done in this sport, and a lot of people are going the right direction, and a few people are going the wrong, but that doesn't matter. As far as the shop itself goes, we are pretty stocked up on all things despite the economic downturn this year. We got hit by the economy, but not as bad as everyone thought, we are still making moves, and pushing product. Keep your eyes out on a new Ian Schwartz Sunday build in the shop within the next week or so, should be dope. I will be posting pictures of that soon. WE also have a bunch of custom wheels in the shop, including a Gsport wheel set and a KHE freecoaster wheel. Stop by, and check things out fool.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Aug 21, 2009
What's my deal!
I'm god awful at making updates on this damn site. I promise im gonna keep up on it more soon, actually that might be a lie since school is starting back up. But, for now, the updates. . .
I just started a crazy back to school sale on all Fit complete bikes IN STOCK. Up to 100 bucks off your favorite models. Seriously, there are some baging deals in the shop. Stop by and check it out. As far as crazy parts go, there are some super dope wheel sets that I just laced up in the shop, and a ton of dialed ass frames, including the new Chase hawk. So stop by, check it out, and spend some money, I never let you guys down, so try not and let me down...booooooooooge. Lates.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jul 6, 2009
Bad News, then some bike stuff.
Our good employee and good rider Ricardo Cruz got a concussion at the park yesterday. The good new is that he will be fine and just needs a little time off for some recovery. He wasn't wearing his helmet, which is super shitty because he has been wearing it pretty consistently lately. So a big get well soon to Ricardo. Also, in bike sales related news, I just finished building up a custom complete bike, and I would post some pictures of it, but some kids came in hours after i finished it and bought it. More custom builds to come. We also got in all of the odyssey chameleon colors in seats and pedals, come peep those!!!
The Chameleon from on Vimeo.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jun 28, 2009
So busy
so the repair list is getting crazy, and the customers are flooding the shop. All good news. Stop by and make us a little more busy, still got some really good deals on BMX frames, and if you come in today, sunday 6/28, I will give you 10 percent off any parts and accesories if you mention this post. so come in and check it out!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jun 26, 2009
Newer stuffs!
so, we just got the Kik sexton frame fork and bar set in, and to be striaght, the stuff is legit. Come by and check it out, it looks really good. Here is a picture of some random bike that is built up with the same build kit, so your whip could be looking as fresh as this. . .lets make this happen. Also, I am discounting current frames in stock up to 150 bucks, that's less then cost in most cases, so don't be scared, come in and update your bike.
kink issue frame- $399.99, BB special-379.99
kink empire forks- $119.99
kink badger bars- $64.99
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jun 19, 2009
My Bad
it's been a minute since the last post, over a month now, that's due to the fact of the crazy summer and how busy we've been, i haven't even had time to shave. but a quick little up date. We have a ton of new videos, adn some new tires. All the new odyssey folding tires are in, along with the sunday up up and away video, props roadfools best of, and the primo nice try dvd. The primo dvd was great, the otehr 2 i haven't seen yet, but don't be scared to stop by and RENT one for 1 dollar a day, or buy one. the choice is yours. we also got in some new skavenger hats and some new subrosa hats too. we are on fire. Lets make this happen.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Apr 16, 2009
not much to report today. the weather is looking great! and that means time to get back in riding shape, time to get them bunny hops back ya know? the shop is stocked and ready to go, so all you kids who had the bikes packed up for winter, and need to get it going again with newer parts, stop on by.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Apr 7, 2009
new video reposted
sorry i had to take off the old wintermixtape, but now it is up again in the video section, or right under this post! or both? anyways, check it out.
the blc winter mixtape from derek on Vimeo.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Apr 5, 2009
Custom complete! 20lbs 12 oz!!!!
yo guys, jsut built up a custom complete using ALL premium parts. The thing is dope needless to say, and it weighs in at 20lbs 12oz. Its funny because a bike this light use to cost you around 1300-1500 dollars to get all the right parts that work, but thanks to premium, you dont need to do that. The bike costs 899.99. The frame is a lopes lt and wiehgs 3 lbs 8 oz, and the parts are all premium stuff, it all works great together. stop by and check it out, you wont regret it!!!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Mar 28, 2009
NEW reno video!
its in the video section to your right, very top of the video page ,its called the blc winter mix. enjoy.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Mar 24, 2009
Twist lacer set!!!
here is the new twist lace wheel set, demolition hubs, 9t aluminum driver, white/black hubs. white/black rims. dt swiss spokes, black nipples, super legit. front is 159.99 and rear is 199.99, or youi can get the whole set for 349.99. one of a kind here guys.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Mar 18, 2009
the famous bowl
so, as some of you may or may not know, im poor. i dont have mad money, so i try and eat mad cheap. grocery shopping and buying lunch to make is probably the overall cheapest, but i don't have time in my busy life for this. So, i search for good deals at food places to satisfy my hungers. here are some of my top examples
subway- the 5 dollar foot long.
quiznos- the now 5.50 foot long.
l&l bbq- on tuesdays they have bbq chicken combo with a drink for 3.99
walmart- 1lb of mac and cheese
and now, today, i stumbled upon the fomous bowl combo with a drink for 2.99. wtf right? it is alomost dumb for me to grocery shop when food is getting this retarded cheap. for me to make a famous bowl at my house would cost probably over 10 dollars. i feel that the economic problems in this country have led to the downward spiral of fast food prices to stimulate business revenue. why am i ranting about this? i don't know, that shit is tight.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Mar 17, 2009
The Shop
i just realized is spelled dunzo wrong below, even though its not even a real word. anyways, now that thats taken care of, the weather is looking up, and so is business. Time to get those winter whips tuned and ready to roll for the upcoming riding season. get on your game, get in this place.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Mar 10, 2009
so the twist lace wheel is gone, but not to worry, a custome set will be built up here shortly, front and rear, in a pretty sick color scheme, you will see. other than that things are just about the same, cluttered as shit, and a ton of stock. lates.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Mar 8, 2009
Video Section!!!
check the video section, there are 12 new/old videos in there of the local reno riders, you'll be stoked, and there is at least one video in there you haven't seen im sure. dates way back to current, even some openground contest footage. go check it out and let us know what you think!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Some news.
the shop is doing well, day light savings just started, so that means more riding time! hells yeah. the shop is stocked with anything and everything you need. I also just laced up a new custom wheel with a primo mix cassete with an 8t driver, a demolition zero rim, and twist spoke lacing, some pictures below. Really affoardable also at 169.99, cant skip this one! also, since we are able to twist lace now, we will twis lace anyones wheels for the price of parts and 50-60 bucks depending on the wheel. why not right? anyways, keep checking back for updates, and look in the photos section for some sick pictures! lates.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Feb 26, 2009
just got back from san diego, the trip was sick, got some filming done, but not enough for a web edit. We also saw a stomach baby while we were down there and the image is burnewd into my head for the rest of my life, it was terrible. Half of the shop staff just got back from QBP's frostbike too, and it seems like QBP is killing it. Other than that, stuff is the same, look for more updates and some possible frostbike pictures soon.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Feb 15, 2009
Another Day at the Office
just a little update on the shop. . . some news i just heard today is that we are shopping for a new shop, so more space! always good to hear. Whats this mean for you??? more products, more space, more fun. Still nothing crazy and new product wise in the shop, we did get in some premium folding tires that are pretty light and really really affordable! also got in the new premium rear wheels with a 8t driver and they come with a 23t sproket for only 199.99, not a bad price if i do say so myself. other than that, keep eyes and ears open for some upcoming events, i am working on insurance issues now, we will see what comes of it!
also, we just got in some business cards, swing by and pick one up, then you can give them to people where ever you go!
happy sunday!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Feb 13, 2009
one week and counting!
one week till the 4 day san diego trip. A lot of riding and filming that i have been looking forward too, hopefully there will be enough to do a little web edit for you guys, but who knows. If any of you are gonna be in the southern cali area, hit me up!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 29, 2009
New Stuff
hey guys, just doing a little update. the shop is doing good, we have a lot of stock, and we just got in the new odyssey pivitols in stock, they are looking sweet, and they come in completely plastic, like ian schwartz, or padded like the senior 2. stop by and check them out, they are really affordable. we also have a custom front wheel in with purple rain vandero 2 hub, and a primo balance 7005 rim. thats about it!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 21, 2009
I don't normally do this. . .
repost videos, but this is really good, i like the song, and, i dunno, just watch it and don't be dumb.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 20, 2009
hey dudes, check out all the new photos on the photos page, a bnunch of dope local photos thanks to cesar, check them out!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 15, 2009
what were they thinking!
To: Honorable CPSC Administrators and Legislators
We, the undersigned, would like to address the recent CPSIA in relation to the likely unintentional negative impact that it will have on the sport of BMX bicycle racing (an Olympic Event), as well as to manufacturers and retailers of products and accessories geared to this genre.
While a “niche” sport, BMX racing is a worldwide sport involving hundreds of thousands of people at both the grassroots (amateur), professional, and elite (Olympic) level. We feel that the CPSIA, while well intentioned, is ambiguous and will unnecessarily harm the sport by forcing small to medium sized businesses to test their products or face banishment. These products are not toys and never have been intended as such. Quite simply, they are competition racing instruments that have been cast as “children’s toys” since they bear the unfortunate classification of having 20 or 24 inch wheels or smaller.
Two courses of action would potentially save the sport of BMX Racing as we know it:
- An amendment to exclude Competition BMX Racing Bicycles and components from the CPSIA.
- The drafting of a “Competition Waiver” to include BMX Racing bicycles, related products and accessories from the CPSIA.
Passage of the CPSIA as it is worded today would enforce unnecessary controls on Manufacturers, Retailers, and ultimately, the End Users of BMX racing bicycles and related components and accessories. The impact of this would be catastrophic, and wide reaching.
go here to sign-
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 13, 2009
no more
yes, it is true, no longer exists due to financial difficultes on the owners part, but, i am gonna try to make this site a little more globaly oriantated, meaning more posts about stuff not involved with the shop, along with posts in the shop too. so stay tuned for some changes, and hopefully good things come from it. we will see!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 8, 2009
Mike Day
Hey guys, Mike Day, Olympic silver medalist in BMX, is going to be in the bike shop tomorrow around 2pm to 330 pm. This was the first time in history that BMX was included in the olympics, and it was a huge step for everyone in the BMX industry to see this allowed into the olympics. Some stop by and meet Mike Day and talk to him about how YOU can get to where he is at now.
Friday January, 9th at 2pm.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jan 4, 2009
DVD Rentals
We now rent dvds. its $1 a day, and we rent new videos too. stop by and pick one up, we got the megatour 8 video and the kink video in right now. dont be lame.
Posted by
The Stand BMX