Hey guys, we just got a few new videos.
First off, we recieved the new S & M video called "I Wanna Live". The video was pretty good, it has a really really good vibe. The riding is good, and overall, its definitely worth owning, and its good to see a company thats been around for so long still dominating and producing good stuff like this.
Second, we recieved the Shadow Conspiracy video called "Into the Void". This video was definitely impressive, and all in all was a great video. Eli Plat kills it, one of my personal favorite riders, seth kimbrough does work, ryan shear does some really crazy curved wall ride, and the ender part was definitely suprising. A definite must for the video collection.
Last was the micreation video called "Synopsis". This is a road trip video, which isn't my favorite kind of video at all, but there is still a lot of good riding from the whole team.
Stop by and pick up some copies before they are gone!
Dec 23, 2008
New Videos
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Dec 18, 2008
Christmas Stuff
So christmas is coming quick, and the weather in reno is definitely showing it. So, we are giving away free DVD's with purchases over 150 bucks, or with a bike purchases! sounds good right? well it is. And we have a ton of good frames and products in stock too, with glow in the dark tqisted pc's on the way, and other goodies as well. Stop by and check it out, you'll have a good time.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Nov 25, 2008
Fit Flow Wheel Sets!
just got in gold, black and red:
3/8" front sealed 36h
14mm rear sealed 36h w/ 9t driver
deal of a life time
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Nov 21, 2008
New Frames
We just got in the Fit Dak frame, signature of dakota roche of coarse, and the new color way of the sunday ian schwartz bike. . . dak frame- 369.99 sunday frame- 379.99
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Nov 13, 2008
the shop is slow, as expected, because of the lame winter season. we had to let john go, and soon Mitch is out, super lame, but, on a good note for you guys, we are super overstocked on, well, everything, so, I will more than likely be willing to let stuff go for a bit lower than usual, wink wink. stop by and check out all the stuff we have in, good frames, good parts, good completes, good life. Don't be a chump, stop by.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 31, 2008
directions to the video premier
to get here from the shop. . . take mae anne west from the shop, make a left on rob, follow that down till your first street and make a right. beach hut will be on your right. there will be a rail at the premier, a possible best ttrick contest? free dvds? who knows, be there.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 14, 2008
Untitled from derek on Vimeo.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 12, 2008
Video Premier
don't forget, tickets for the raffle are only 5 bucks. don't miss out, there will be other prizes too.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Oct 9, 2008
Frame giveaway
At the kink video premier, nov 1st, we will be raffling off a dk Chris Doyle frame, signed by Doyle himself. tickets will be 5 bucks to enter the raffle, and you can buy them at the shop any time before the premier, and also at the premier. The frame is orange, 20.75" tt, spanish bottom bracket, and once again, SIGNED by Doyle himself. Ill post up some pictures as we get closer to the premier. Feel free to stop by the shop and check it out. Its a 320 dollar frame, so to win it for 5 bucks is a smokin deal.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Sep 23, 2008
New Shop Stuff
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Sep 16, 2008
Volume Complete Bike!
yo guys, we just built up a volume complete bike, all demolition and volume parts, the thing is sick and weighs in at 23.5lbs! the best part about it is that you don't have to pay the full retail of 1114.99 for it becasue we marked it down to 899.99!!! thats whats up. . .
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Sep 9, 2008
New Pedals
new twisted pc are in, all colors, 16.99, come swoop some up.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Aug 31, 2008
back to school special!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Aug 12, 2008
I like it
we just got in a ton of stuff today, the new aitken night wolf seats, the new odyssey folding tires, 9t drivers, and a killer frame fork bar and stem combo with headset for only 329.99, thats right. the frame is the united squad frame with matching forks, and bars, the stem is a coalition stem. the combo looks sick, so why not swoop it up?
and we have all three of these aitken seats in.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Aug 5, 2008
Jul 29, 2008
Kink Tour
Here is a flyer for the kink teams trip through reno with a list of the dudes who are comming. Notice Bicycle Bananas is on there as a stop, stoked.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jul 16, 2008
Jul 15, 2008
New Stuff
Just got in the4 mutiny mystic frame, with removable mounts, sputnic playback cranks, sputnic hammer pegs, and a ton of fbm hub gaurds, we also got in some mutiny gaurds.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jul 10, 2008
reno mixtape
here is some footage from our friends over at blcbmx.com, check it out and love it.
Reno mixtape vol. 2 from derek on Vimeo.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jul 8, 2008
Pictures of the Orchids
here are pics of the porters, breaks, berringers, homans, and homan casuals, you'd be wise to swoop some up.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
We have more new orchids then we can handle, so, even though they are all brand new shoes, we decided to put them on sale for 59.99, and some for 49.99, get them before they are all gone. They are all sweet, and despite previous beliefs, we have them in other sizes besides just Avery's. On another note, the new kinks are just about in the shop, and the new fits were just ordered today, but that in ur pipe.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jul 3, 2008
Just got an email
the email said,bike check for stand bmx... so here it is. if youve got a bike check, hit me up with some photos. Greg Sumidas bike. . .
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jul 1, 2008
Stolen Bike
A white s3.5 was stolen last nigh. It had a blue seatpost and all black parts but a white frame. no brakes. if you have any details about this bike or its where abouts, please post on this.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jun 30, 2008
Primo order
Got some new strand forks and kamikazie 2 forks in today. we also got black AND white stricker plastic pedals in. also with the order, we recieved the new fremont leatehr back pack, thing is sick, no doubt. come by and chech this stuff out your self, wont last long!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jun 26, 2008
new stuff, kinda
hey guys, we got some new things in, well, theyve been in for a bit, but they havent hit our webstie yet, we got two new sunday wave frames in blue and black, they are definitely sick, and i'd swoop one up quick if i were you, they are going for 357.99
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Jun 22, 2008
Back in Town
Yo guys, im back in town, avery and me will be working hte bmx section together now, it seems everyone in reno like him and texts him a lot, so hell be doing a lot of advertising for us i guess, but once again, we'll try and change some stuff up, the shop is still really clutterd, and the boss wants even more bikes, yikes. well see how it goes, stop by and we'll get soem stuff going for you.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
May 8, 2008
New Stuffs
hey guys, we got some new, and old, stuff back in. First, the new twisted PC pedals in clear are in, selling at 15.99. also we have are stock on the ever so popular premium slim pedal going for 79.99. swing by and swoop up some pedals before they are all gone. the clears are definitely limited!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
May 6, 2008
Good Bad
yo people, got some good news, the new clear twisted pc pedals are on their way to the shop as i type, should be here tomorrow, 15.99 a pair. The shop should be getting cleaned op and polished here in a week or so so i can pass the torch on to avery, he will be the new bmx manager and i am leaving, hopefully not for good, but who knows. ill be on the east coast for the next 3 and a half months. Oh well, should be a blast. swing by and talk bikes, thats what we do.
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Apr 10, 2008
Prepare to be pumped!
i have been in a super giving mood lately, so to capitalize on this mood, i am putting on a little contest of sorts, but its not really a contest, just hurry up. The first person to leave a comment on this bulleten with their name and phone number fill get a frame of their choice, that is i nthe shop now, at cost plus 10%. if you dont know how much that is off, its pretty much 40% off dans comp price! what are you waiting for? leave a comment!
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Apr 3, 2008
Frames for Sale!
So, we got more frames in then we know how to handle, so to help out with this problem, we are selling the chase hawk, chase dehart, and eddi cleveland frames for 40 dollars off dans comp price. We are also selling a sunday frame and fork compbo for about 200 dollars off dans comp price. cant beat that. BTW, the chase dehart and eddie frame are brake less, the hawk frame has breaks. The hawk comes in black with a 20.75" tt. The eddie frame is black with a 21" tt, and the dehart is copper with a 20.5" tt
Posted by
The Stand BMX
Mar 28, 2008
New Stuff!
A lot of new stuff, first off Odysseys new video Electronical is in, and its sick. I don't know what happened in the industry, but bike videos are becoming incredible. Really high production value in this video, not to mention riding that will blow your mind, trust me. We got it for 21.99 so don't be scared to come swoop one up. Also in now, new white Edwin grips, and all colors in the plastic bar ends. The bar ends are sweet, and are pretty tough. They are going for 4.99. Last but not least, the new shadow top loader stem is in,but i couldn't get a pic of it, its sweet, come check it out. That's it for now, swing by haters.
Posted by
The Stand BMX